Dhaka New Market is one of the most popular and old markets in Dhaka city. It was the first modern shopping center in Dhaka city established in 1950s. It is located at Azimpur, with Mirpur Road one side and Peelkhana Road on the other. It is a two storied building within a triangular shape covering almost twenty acres in area. It has three high arched entry gates on its south, east and north sides leading to rows of shops. There are about 480 stores in this market. It was built as a shopping complex primarily to cater to the needs of the growing population of Dhaka city mainly in Azimpur Estate and Dhanmondi residential area. Eventually, it attracted shoppers from all other areas of the city and even from outside Dhaka for low price home and family products.
Location Mirpur Road Dhaka-1205, Near Azimpur, Peelkhana
Categories Home accessories, Sarii, cloths, shoes, books, stationary, jewelary, bags, fast food, electronic products and kitchen products etc.
Holiday Tuesday-Wednesday (12:00 P.M)
Opening and Closing time 9:00A.M. – 8:00P.M
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